FAQ: Account
Creating an account with Uplearn requires a valid corporate email id and also the Organization you work for is partnered with us.
Use the below link for new user registration.
If you can't remember your password, you can reset it using your email address.
- Go to the Forgot password? page at https://uplearn.ai/user_forgot_password.php.
- Enter your registered login email address and click on Request OTP.
- Soon you’ll receive an OTP on your registered email.
- Enter the OTP and your desired new password and Click on Reset Password on forgot password page.
If you wish to change your password, you can do so from within My Account.
- • Access profile settings by clicking your account’s Profile Picture in the top right corner.
- • Click on Profile and navigate to Change Password tab.
- • Provide your old and new password detail and click on “Update” button to reflect the changes.
If you don't receive OTP email in your inbox, please check your SPAM folder.
It can also be because of proxy settings enabled internally if you are using work computers.
If you are still not receiving the OTP it could be that the email has bounced. At this point, please contact us at [email protected] so that we can help you further.
FAQ: General
Practice exam is useful preparation tool that can help you gauge your readiness for a certification exam.
A voucher code assigned to a specific user is not transferrable to another user.
You should contact your lead or your manager for a voucher code.
No you cannot swap between two different exams.
Exam mode: You will be allowed to test your knowledge online in a timed environment and experience the exam.
Learning mode: You will be allowed to test your knowledge at your own pace in a non-timed environment. Detailed answers and references material are provided.
Yes. We recommend using personal computer rather than on their work computers. This is because work computers are more likely to have firewalls, VPNs, and other security policies that may restrict.
FAQ: Exams
Access to the practice exam will expire after 180 days, and once the practice exam is launched, you will have 30 days to complete the exam, or until the allotted practice exam time expires.
By default you have 5 attempts. For further attempts please contact our support centre they will assist based on scenario
Upon completing of your practice test you will receive a pass or fail notification on the testing screen.
After completion of your practice exam, you will receive a score report with high-level details on how you scored based on knowledge area.
If you are unsure about a particular question, you can always click on Mark for Review (marked in purple color) to mark the question to answer later.
Yes, after completion of your practice exam you can see the details in My Exam History.
No, it is not possible to take a pause during the test. Your session will expire after_____ of idle system time.
If you encounter a technical problem, you can reach out to us at or [email protected].
FAQ: Videos
Below link has the approach on how to take a practice test.
Below link has the approach on how to redeem a voucher.
Below link has the approach on how to view your Exam History.